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525nm Lasers, specifically Diode-Pumped Solid-State (DPSS) Lasers, utilize third harmonic generation of Nd:YAG laser material at 1571nm. Given a particular laser, with a particular fundamental wavelength, third harmonic generation is less efficient and cannot achieve the same energy levels compared to its lower-order harmonic counterparts.
These high power, nanosecond green lasers are available with free-space output and a variety of pulse energies depending on the applications needs. Typical applications for these Green Lasers include Optogenetics, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Bathymetry, ToF Spectroscopy, and more.
Picture | Part Number | Type | Wavelength (nm) | pa_output-power | pa_mode | pa_output | pa_linewidth |
RPK-VIS-MM | Single Emitter, Multi-Emitter, Fiber-Coupled | 405, 525, 635 |
The RPK Series of multiple, single-emitter fiber-coupled diode lasers are available in wavelengths from 405nm thru 1550nm with up to ≈ 500W output power. Our specialized fiber-coupling techniques ensure high efficiency, stability, and superior beam quality, while rigorous inspections and burn-in procedures guarantee each product’s reliability, stability, and long lifetime. Highly customizable packages allow us to meet our customers’ specific needs, providing high-quality products at reasonable prices.