Needing a Replacement for Your Actively Q-Switched, Sub-ns Laser? Check Out the Wedge!
Thanks to the experience Bright Solutions has acquired in the state-of-the-art design of sub-ns DPSS lasers over the years, the Wedge family has recently been updated in terms of performance and available models. These improvements include increased average output power, and improved pulse energy stability, while maintaining a sub-ns pulse width and the ability to optimize laser performance at higher repetition rates. They also boast high peak output powers, with relatively low energy and heat generation, as well as myriad of customization possibilities and options to tweak and enhance your system.
The Wedge-HF and Wedge-XF (including the new 532nm HF Plus and XF Plus) are now available with a very compact (8x9x19cm), lightweight (<2kg), monolithic design, several wavelength options, including harmonic generations, with repetition rates from 10kHz to 100kHz (option: down to single shot and up to 200kHz) and pulse widths between 400ps and 3ns! These systems are capable of producing pulse energies up to 180µJ, average powers up to 4W, and peak power output up to 250kW, while running efficiently, with low heat waste and air cooling.
The Wedge series is a flexible platform allowing for highly customized units, and many options to choose from. The customization capabilities allow for meeting specific performance requirements regarding pulse duration, energy/power, vibration and shock, extreme environments, and compliance to MIL or Space based specifications as needed. With these features, customization, and plenty of options like beam expanding and collimating optics, fiber coupling, low jitter, 28V DC for airborne installation and more, it’s easy to see how the Wedge series offers a wide range of solutions for many applications like glass micromachining, LiDAR and bathymetry, non-linear spectroscopy, LIBS, and many more!
To learn more about the options available, and more detailed technical specifications about this flexible line, click here for the Wedge HF and here for the Wedge XF. To talk to one of our laser experts today Click Here, or call us at 1-636-272-7227.