Harmony Series

The Harmony series is a single-box optical parametric amplifier that converts ultrafast pulses from Ytterbium-based lasers into broadly tunable pulses with wavelengths ranging from 210 nm to > 10 µm. With intuitive, user-friendly PC software, an integrated mini spectrometer enables automatic tuning from 315 to 2600 nm. Designed to operate from a single pulse up to 300kHz rep. rate with pump pulse energy from 30 µJ to 200 µJ, Harmony is compatible with all Ytterbium-based femtosecond lasers, but it works best with the Jasper series: the Jasper X0 & Jasper Flex lasers featuring exceptional beam-pointing stability.

Picture Part Number Type Wavelength (nm) Pulse width pa_notes
sleek modern gray colored harmony optical parametric amplifier Harmony Pulsed Fiber Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers, Ruggedized 210-10000, Multiple Wavelength Options 180fs