2.5W Lasers

What are 2.5W Lasers?

Lasers that designate 2.5W of output power can have either CW (continuous wave) or pulsed output. CW Lasers are always defined in average output power. Pulsed Lasers with an output power defined in Watts or Milliwatts usually define the laser’s average power, not the peak power of the laser.

Filters Reset


Wavelength Selection

Power Selection






Picture Part Number Type Wavelength (nm) Output power (W) Mode Output Linewidth Duty Package
RWLD 5.5mm Package Laser Diode RWLD-SWIR-MM Single Emitter, "Eye Safe" 1064, 1460, 1535, 1555 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 Multimode Free Space CW 5.6mm

RWLD Series

The RWLD series offers competitively priced laser diodes with high beam quality and a wide variety of products to support multiple applications. Available in a wide range of wavelengths, power levels, and packages. The RWLD wavelength options span from 405nm to 1650nm, with output powers in the range of 10 mW to 300 mW, packaged in a TO-18 package with photodiode. We also offer customized options, such as a customized wavelength, output power, or a special package to meet your specific needs.